Fruits to Help You Stay Healthy During the Rainy Season

Eat These 6 Fruits to Help You Stay Healthy During the Rainy Season

Rainy season comes with its fair share of “wahala” but all these can be overcome with the right lifestyle, including healthy diet. The lifestyle you live in the dry season will be slightly different from that of the rainy season. This is to help you cope with the challenges that come with both seasons.

READ MORE ON: 10 Tips to avoid falling sick during rainy season

One of the essential lifestyle to adapt to this rainy season is the regular intake of fruits.

I’m sure that you know the general benefits and importance of fruits to our bodies which includes, boosting the immune system, aiding digestion, fighting infections and diseases, among others.

Although many fruits are seasonal, there are still some fruits that you can find in the market irrespective of season.

Here are seven (6) fruits you should start eating to help you stay healthy during the rainy season.


Apple types- gechy's blog
Two Apples Varieties

Have you heard of a saying that taking “an apple a day keeps the doctor away”? It is absolutely true!  Apples are fortunately one of the few fruits that you can get all through the year.

This sweet fruit is highly rich in nutrients, including vitamins A, Thiamine (B1), Riboflavin (B2), and C, as well as, minerals like iron, iodine, calcium, and phosphorus. These nutrients are essential as they boost the immune system, fight infections, aid digestion and develop the brain, nerve, skin, muscles, and bone.

A good thing is that you can consume them as juice, pulp, jellies, jams or raw. Both young and old can eat apples for physical and mental growth.


pomegranates- gechys blog

Pomegranates are also highly nutritious and are suitable for the rainy season because they help to boost your body immunity.

The antioxidant properties of pomegranates prevent you from contracting infections and diseases such as cancer, high-blood pressure and other heart-related diseases.

It also contains vitamins B variants, and folic acid which helps in the formation of red blood cells, blood circulation, cell growth, and function.  It can be eaten raw, taking as juice, mixed with yogurt or salad.


peach varieties

Peaches contain vitamins A, B, C, and carotene which help to improve vision, protect your skin, and intensify your body immunity.

The presence of fluoride in peaches helps in promoting a better dental health. They are low in calories and also contain fiber. You can eat peach in its raw or pulp form, or mix it with salad.



Looking for fruits that are a great source of potassium, copper, dietary fibers, Vitamins C and K? Plums are a great option!

They also have antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties which may help to prevent cancer. Generally, plums strengthen your body immunity, prevent or cure constipation. This great fruit also prevents anemia. They can be consumed in various ways such as jellies and jams.



Pear fruit is a treasure house of various minerals and vitamins which are very essential for fighting sicknesses and diseases hovering around during the rainy season. Added to being a good agent of fiber, pear is a natural antipyretic source as it aids in cooling your body, thus reducing fever.


Mango is my go-to fruit during the rainy season when it is in abundance. The enzymes present in mango helps to quicken digestion. This sweet fruit has vitamin C present in it that helps to boost your body’s immune system, prevent flu and cold.

Rainy season, as we all know, comes with its good and ugly moments. To enjoy and cope in this season without falling sick, take your daily diet seriously.

These fruits can be eaten in various forms- raw, mixed with salad, prepared in smoothie, yogurt, juice, or pulp form. So to stay healthy during rainy season is assured!

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