Woman watching her weight- Gechy's Blog

Too lazy for an exercise? Here are 8 activities you can do to burn fat with ease

Is hitting the gym or going for morning jogs such a big deal for you? Do you feel that there is nothing you can do to burn that extra fat in your body?

Then this article is here to open your eyes to the few things that you can do to lose weight and stay in shape.

Truth is that there are lots of daily fun activities you can do to help you lose weight without even realizing it.

In this article, you will know at least 8 activities you can do to burn fat with ease.

1. Get adequate night sleep

Getting sufficient sleep at night helps you in waking up early, feeling fresh and active in the morning.

Not having a night of proper sleep can directly affect our body metabolism which can further cause weight gain and it can also increase the risk of diabetes and obesity.

Not having a night of proper sleep can directly affect your body metabolism which can further cause weight gain and increase the risk of diabetes and obesity. Click to know more

Confused? I will explain.

When you don’t sleep, your insulin (a hormone produced in the pancreas that regulates the level of glucose in the blood) sensitivity rapidly decreases which can increase the chances of weight gain.

Also, when feeling sleepy at work, you are likely to grab a cup(s) of coffee or energy bars to help you stay active.

Later in the evening hours, you become tired and it could prevent you from engaging in any form of physical activities or exercises. Then at night, your exhausted body won’t be able to wait for dinner to properly digest before finding its way to bed and over time, you will gain weight.

Moreover, if you keep late nights, you are likely to reach out for snacks which can also lead to weight gain or other related health issues.

To watch your weight and live a healthy lifestyle, you need to get at least 7-8 hours of good sleep.

2. Do a cleaning party

It can be boring and tiring at times when you have to do a thorough house clean up alone.

But several studies have shown how losing weight while doing house chores could be equated to the number of calories you burn at the gym.

You could lose as much as 80-160 calories in one hour, while doing chores, especially those that involve a lot of energy like scouring surfaces, mopping, washing, etc.

To make it fun and less stressful, you can call in your roommate or spouse to join you and then play some upbeat songs. You can also dance or do some lunges while cleaning.

3. Play in a field

Rather than grab lunch or drinks with friends, you can play football, volleyball or swim for a while. Avoid cocktails with calories or beer.

4. Dance it out

Whenever you are in the mood for a night out experience, try hitting up a dance club? From Hip-hop to Latin clubs, you will find quite a number of them in town. Just ensure not to drink more than you can burn off- One cocktail will do.

5. Be pampered with a massage

Research by Ohio State University showed that women tend to stick to a healthy diet when they are more accepting of their bodies. You don’t have to look at an image of a sexy person or recite some body image chant to enhance your self-esteem. Getting a massage can do magic.

6. Hike to burn fat

Find some suitable locations, gather some of your friends, and hike. It helps burn a great number of calories and resurrects your back muscles and legs. Apart from its fitness benefits, taking panoramic views from the hill or mountain top is more fun and provides a memorable experience, compared to workouts in a gym.

7. Properly chew your food

Did you know that chewing your food thoroughly can promote weight loss? Click here to know more.

Did you know that chewing your food thoroughly can promote weight loss?

Several studies have shown that chewing your food thoroughly in the right manner can help you lose weight, stay fit and healthy.

Sadly, this essential weight-loss technique is often overlooked.

Thorough chewing before swallowing helps in proper digestion and prevents foods from accumulating as fat in the body.

Chewing your food thoroughly makes you eat slowly and quenches your hunger faster than normal, therefore causing you to eat less than what you would have eaten normally.

This stress-free technique will lead to the loss of weight in the long run.  

8. More of the Staircase, less of an elevator

Who wouldn’t want to choose an elevator over the staircase? Nobody likes to suffer jare, lol.

But if you want to stay active and burn fat with ease then you should consider using the staircase more often. It can also help in the proper digestion of food.

Here you have it! 8 activities you can do to burn fat with ease. Try to engage in some of these activities if you are determined to lose weight without hitting the gym or jogging every morning.

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