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Are you truly ready for a relationship after a breakup? 10 Signs

Am I ready for a relationship again?

Being single has its positive sides as you can do anything without being monitored or questioned by a partner. It allows you to discover and better work on yourself. You can also make a clear decision on your dislikes or wants in a relationship, based on your experience.

However, it is difficult staying single for a while. Especially when you see lovers displaying PDA on the streets, appreciating each other in different beautiful ways both in persons or on social media. Then you might miss feeling butterflies in your tummy like you use to.

If at this point, you feel like a starting a relationship again, you have to check for these signs below know whether or not you are ready.

This new person should be truly worth the risk, time, and even money.

If you still feel funny about being ready, confirm your doubts ==> here

Here are ten (10) signs that show you are truly ready for a relationship after a breakup.

1. You are totally over your ex

Do you still think about the chances of getting back with your ex-lover? Does thinking about what led to your breakup spoil your happy mood?

Will seeing your ex in person or on social media rekindle the love you once had for him/her?

If your answer is yes, then you are not yet ready to start a new relationship.

Allow yourself to heal from the hurt. Scream, cry, and mourn if you want to; let the anger out as it is part of the healing process.

Several studies show that allowing your emotions out instead of bottling them up improves your health.

Not getting pissed or having your eyes lit at the mention or sight of your ex-lover is the first sign of moving on. 

Check out: 11 Signs That You Are Not Ready For a New Relationship

2. You have a healthy self-esteem

No doubt a breakup can leave you thinking you are at fault and can never do well in future relationships or even in life. It could reduce your confidence, worth, and self-esteem, especially if your last relationship was toxic.

Being single allows you to reflect on your past relationship, strengthen your weaknesses, build your confidence, and develop healthy self-esteem.

3. You aren’t looking for someone to complete you

A friend asked me what I look out for in marriage, and I simply replied that I wanted someone who could compliment me. Although he didn’t really understand what that meant, I knew every bit of what I said.

A relationship will not hold water when the two persons involved are unbaked or incompatible- emotionally, spiritually, socially, and mentally.

You being complete in life shouldn’t be dependent on someone else. You should first be complete as an individual- develop yourself, know your worth and values. Then you can find that partner that complements your personality.

4. You didn’t push him/her away

You are likely ready to move on to another relationship the moment when you are cool with dating someone. Also, when you enjoy speaking for long hours over the phone with this person, or willing to see how far the friendship or relationship goes.

5. You can find a time-balance for yourself and them

One of the signs that you are ready for a relationship after a break up is that you will create time for your partner. You can never be too busy for that special one.

6. You are ready to take the risk

No one wants their hearts to be played like a ball again. But when you want to share your life with someone else again, getting heartbroken becomes almost inevitable.

Don’t expect your next relationship to be all rosy and sweet. Along with the sweetness, come the hurts, fights, and even betrayal. So if giving love another chance is a risk you are willing to take, then you are ready for a relationship.

7. You trust your partner

Trust issues are a big challenge in many relationships today as no one wants to be taking for a fool. When you realize that there are still good people in the world and you are willing to give someone a chance then you are ready to date again.

8. Ready to become selfless

There should be no room for being self-centred or selfish if you are all in for that relationship. You must consider the needs and feelings of your partner in your decisions and steps.

9. Not allowing the past to affect your present

Many relationships have ended prematurely because either one or both partners allowed their past relationships to decide their present.

You are not ready to move on with your life if you are always creating negative imaginations (assumptions) in your head.

Someone else shouldn’t suffer for the mistakes of your past relationships.

10. You are truly ready for a relationship

We should never neglect the power of our instincts. When you are ready to date again you will know in your hearts.

At this point, you will become aware of what you want in a relationship and feel no pressure or fear to mingle, go on dates, and fall in love with that special one.

Tell us other signs that shows you are ready to date again in the comment box below.

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