Tips to avoid falling sick during rainy season

10 Tips to avoid falling sick during rainy season

Looking for some rainy season tips to prevent you from falling sick during this season? You have come to the right place.

In as much as we love the cool atmosphere that the rainy season brings in Nigeria, we can’t forget to notice the bags of sicknesses it carries along.

News flash! You are not the only one that enjoys the cool and chilly nature of the rainy season, bacteria, viruses and some other micro-organisms also do.

To enjoy this season, you have to adjust your lifestyle. From eating meals rich in vitamins and minerals, to maintaining better hygiene, here are ten (10) general rainy season tips you should follow to avoid falling sick during the rainy season.

Avoid getting soaked in the rain

Try to use rain gears such as umbrella, water-resistant hooded jacket or raincoat, and waterproof footwear. You can simply go under shade to protect yourself from the downpour of the rain. Going out with a complete set of rain gear will reduce your chances of falling sick during this season.

Make Vitamin C your best friend during rainy season

According to some research, Vitamin C is a good agent for fighting common cold and flu. It helps to boost the immune system and prevents you from falling ill. Vitamins C charge your antibodies to fight the cold and flu virus faster. You can get them as drugs, supplements, or find them in fruits and vegetables.

READ MORE ON: 6 Fruits to Help You Stay Healthy During the Rainy Season

Have a warm or hot bath when you are soaked in the rain

Even though many may not see the need for this and will rather clean up and change their clothes, you must take a shower after being soaked in the rain. When you get drenched in the rain, your body experiences a drastic change in temperature and causes you to feel sick. Taking a shower helps to stabilize the cold temperature caused by the rain and gradually returns your body to its normal temperature once you dry yourself. 

Flush it out with water

Water generally has a lot of benefits it does to our bodies and we need enough of it this season.

Ignore the funny trick your body gives as you might likely not get thirsty during rainy season since your body retains more water than it loses.  Water hydrates and flushes away bacteria and germs via your excretory system, thereby helping you to deal with flu viruses and cold.

Sweat it out

When flu is developing, you will begin to feel weak and even tired. You can prevent those funny symptoms from developing into a fever by sweating.

One of the best ways you can sweat it out is through exercise. You can also make it fun by dancing. Asides from sweating out the flu symptoms, it will also help you stay healthier. 

Keep your hands clean

You should have already known by now that cold and flu symptoms escalate during rainy season and so, you need to always keep your hands clean. Wash your hands properly and use a hand sanitizer.

Avoid touching your face

Truthfully, this is one of the hardest things to do, especially when you feel itchy. The facial organ is a usual point of entry for cold and flu viruses. Avoid touching your face and that of others during this season.

Eat lots of vegetables

According to many research works, vegetables have a lot of benefits to the body, especially in fighting diseases and infections. They contain vitamins and phytochemicals that can help to fight the symptoms of flu and cold and keep you from falling sick during rainy season, even in hot weather.

Cover your body

By now you should have known that dressing light isn’t appropriate for the rainy season. Wear thick clothes to keep you warm when it gets cold as it will prevent you from falling sick.

Also see: How can you fight cold and flu during rainy season?

Take herbal tea

Herbal teas like peppermint, green tea, and sage have antiviral and antibacterial properties which are most suitable during the cold days. These properties help to prevent symptoms of cold and flu and keep your health in good condition.

Bonus Rainy Season Tips:

  • Make hot and spicy soups your favourite in this season as it helps to ease nasal congestion and keep the body warm.
  • Get enough rest or night sleep
  • Avoid taking drinks containing caffeine or alcohol as they dehydrate the body.

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